Jan 17 2014 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Jan 16 2014 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Jan 14 2014 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Buzzard Wait!

An Animation short I’m working on. Hoping to release some scenes soon!

Note: Disney Head in the BG by David Oreilly

Dec 10 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Nov 28 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

REEL2014 – preview

Sep 18 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Aleph – Poster WIP 02

Mar 10 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Feb 07 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Something strange again.

Feb 04 2013 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0


Limbic Logo small041 Aug 09 2012 · 3 comments · Graphics · 0

Christmas Wallpaper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis leo at mauris faucibus suscipit. Sed orci arcu, tincidunt at commodo in, consectetur sed enim. Vestibulum aliquet justo rutrum magna tincidunt fringilla. In eget nisl in justo mattis accumsan eu nec magna. Pellentesque pellentesque pharetra lacus, eget aliquet mi mattis eu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam ut mi in dui consectetur egestas eget vitae odio. Morbi ut ligula arcu.

Aug 02 2012 · 0 comments · Uncategorized · 0

Logan’s Run is a Short experimental Music Animation I created in the past 3 Months.

Initially the Idea was to create a film, depicting a Character that was lost in it’s own subconsciousness.

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