Button Text Button Text Button Text Button Text Button Text Button Text Button Text
All of the shortcodes are created through the visual shortcode wizard, there is no need to remember the structore of the shortcode to easily embed into post/page. Button shortcode supports unlimited color versions – any hex value is supported:
/* Orange Button */ [button class="preview-button-1" background="#F9625B" text_color="#FFFFFF" background_hover="#F9625B" text_color_hover="#242424"] Button Text [/button] /* Dark Button */ [button class="preview-button-6" background="#313131" text_color="#FFFFFF" background_hover="#313131" text_color_hover="#F9625B"] Button Text [/button] /* Grey Button */ [button class="preview-button-7" background="#f5f5f5" text_color="#616161" background_hover="#f5f5f5" text_color_hover="#313131"] Button Text [/button]